Privacy Policy

The Wright Cosmetics is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected.

You as a customer can feel safe and assured that if we should ask you for certain information by which you can be identified when using this website it will only be identified when using this privacy statement .

We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent.

Please check this page now and again as Wright Cosmetics updates it from time to time.


Information we may ask you for:



Phone number

Email address

Interests and preferences 


Why we collect this information and what we do with it:

We ask this information to provide you with a better service and to understand your needs. Further more for the following reasons:

to improve our products

to improve our services

for internal record keeping 

every now and then we may send special offers and emails about our lastest / new products or information which we think you may find interesting using the email adress you have provided to The Wright Cosmetics.

we may at times use your information to contact you for market research purposes. If we do contact you it will either be through email or phone. This information may be used to customize The Wright Cosmetics website according to your interests.



Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer hard drive. They contain no recognisable personal information we use cookies for the following purposes

to identify you as travel around our site

to ensure that items are placed into your Shopping Basket and orders processed correctly

to provide site usage information, which together with purchase information will further help us to improve and develop the products and servives we offer.


Security and Safe shopping

The Wright Cosmetics takes your piece of mind and security safely. We aim to ensure that your shopping experience is safe, secure and can be trusted.

Our checkout process uses Paypal which is one of the most secure payment platforms in the world.


For more information

If you have any Queries, comments or complaints relating to our privacy policy please contact us at: